LensMount A-mount
ColorSpace sRGB
AFPointInFocus Center (horizontal)
ExposureProgram (3) Manual
FlashpixVersion 0100
Quality RAW
LensModel 70-300mm F4-5.6
SonyImageHeight (1) 4000
ExposureMode (1) Manual
YCbCrPositioning Centered
BrightnessValue (1) 8.45859375
GPSTrack 190.66
InteropVersion 0100
AFStatusBottomHorizontalFront Focus (-51)
Sharpness (1) +3
LongExposureNoiseReductionOn (unused)
GPSSpeed 0.619
SensitivityType Recommended Exposure Index
AFStatusUpperFarRight Out of Focus
CreateDate 2013:06:08 12:33:40
CameraOrientation Horizontal (normal)
ExposureProgram (1) Manual
Brightness 0
AFMicroAdj 0
DateTimeOriginal 2013:06:08 12:33:40
Sharpness Hard
GPSAltitude (1) 5.094 m
GPSLatitudeRef North
CustomRendered Normal
AFStatusUpper-leftVerticalFront Focus (-40)
AFStatusLower-rightVerticalFront Focus (-50)
SequenceImageNumber (1) 1
AFStatusFarLeftVertical Front Focus (-281)
GPSMapDatum WGS-84
AFStatusLowerFarRight Front Focus (-96)
SonyMinAperture 44
LensMount (1) A-mount
ZoneMatching ISO Setting Used
Shutter Mechanical (2698 4310 5457)
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
AFStatusBottomVertical Back Focus (+18)
GPSDateStamp 2013:06:08
FileSource Digital Camera
SequenceFileNumber (1) 1
FacesDetected 0
IntelligentAuto (1) Off
BatteryLevel 81%
AFStatusLeftVertical Back Focus (+28)
Software ACDSee Pro 6
SoftSkinEffect Off
Model SLT-A77V
AFStatusNearRight Front Focus (-115)
GPSDifferential No Correction
AFStatusTopHorizontal Front Focus (-45)
AFStatusActiveSensor Front Focus (-80)
FlashMode Fill-flash
ExifVersion 0230
Quality2 (1) RAW
FocalLength 300.0 mm
LensType (2) Sony 70-300mm F4.5-5.6 G SSM (SAL70300G) or G SSM II or Tamron Lens
FileFormat ARW 2.3
GPSLatitude (1) 58 deg 11' 47.45"
DistortionCorrParams 3 3 8 17 30 48 70 96 126 161 200 0 0 0 0 0
LensInfo 70-300mm f/4-5.6
AFStatusTopVertical Out of Focus
Contrast High
ColorTemperature Auto
ComponentsConfiguration Y, Cb, Cr, -
Rating 0
WBShiftAB_GM 0 0
GPSMeasureMode 3-Dimensional Measurement
AFStatusLowerFarLeft Out of Focus
GPSAltitudeRef Above Sea Level
GPSLongitude (1) 8 deg 2' 0.73"
StopsAboveBaseISO 0
WhiteBalance (2) Manual
YResolution 350
AFStatusLeftHorizontal Out of Focus
ExposureCompensation 0
VignettingCorrection Auto
SequenceImageNumber 1
ExposureMode Manual
ReleaseMode Normal
LightSource Daylight
AFType 19-point
ReleaseMode2 (2) Normal
DynamicRangeOptimizer (3)Auto
Saturation (1) 0
AFStatusUpperFarLeft Out of Focus
FlashLevel Normal
SonyMaxAperture 5.8
Flash Off, Did not fire
MetaVersion DC7303320222000
CompressedBitsPerPixel 8
BatteryTemperature 36.7 C
AFStatusRightHorizontal Out of Focus
LensType Sony 70-300mm F4.5-5.6 G SSM (SAL70300G) or G SSM II or Tamron Lens
LensFormat (1) Full-frame
WB_RGBLevels 662 256 370
ReleaseMode3 Normal
SceneMode Standard
AFPointAtShutterRelease Center (horizontal)
SonyModelID SLT-A77 / SLT-A77V
AFPoint Center (horizontal)
ExifImageWidth 3070
SonyISO 100
SceneType Directly photographed
FullImageSize 6000x4000
AFPointsUsed Center, Top, Upper-right, Right, Lower-right, Bottom, Lower-left, Left, Upper-left, Far Right, Lower-middle
InternalSerialNumber 0709922666
SelfTimer Off
HDR Off; Uncorrected image
AFStatusUpper-rightVerticalBack Focus (+11)
ImageStabilization On
FNumber 10.0
MaxApertureValue 5.6
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 450 mm
MeteringMode (1) Spot
ColorMode Neutral
LensFormat Full-frame
AFStatusUpper-leftHorizontalOut of Focus
AFStatusLower-leftHorizontalOut of Focus
ShotNumberSincePowerUp 159
GPSStatus Measurement Active
LensSpec 70-300mm F4-5.6
AFAreaMode Wide
Saturation Normal
PictureEffect2 Off
FaceInfoLength 37
FlashStatus Built-in Flash present
PictureProfile (1) Gamma Still - Standard/Neutral (PP2)
WhiteBalance (1) Daylight
HDRSetting Off
AFStatusRightVertical Back Focus (+10)
SonyDateTime 2013:06:08 12:33:40
ReleaseMode2 (1) Normal
PictureProfile Gamma Still - Standard/Neutral (PP2)
ChromaticAberrationCorrParams-306 -306 -308 -318 -334 -356 -384 -418 -448 -482 -515 0 0 0 0 0 -775 -775 -678 -598 -530 -480 -447 -421 -385 -346 -295 0 0 0 0 0
AFStatusLower-leftVerticalBack Focus (+30)
ModelReleaseYear 2011
SonyImageWidth 6000
ShutterCount 8462
AFStatusUpper-middle Front Focus (-103)
ResolutionUnit inches
HighISONoiseReduction Off
Anti-Blur On (Shooting)
SonyImageHeight n.a.
InteropIndex R98 - DCF basic file (sRGB)
BrightnessValue 8.45859375
AFStatusCenterHorizontalFront Focus (-80)
FaceInfoOffset 94
SequenceNumber Single
LensType (1) Sony 70-300mm F4.5-5.6 G SSM (SAL70300G) or G SSM II or Tamron Lens
DistortionCorrection None
AFStatusFarRightVerticalBack Focus (+39)
ShutterCount3 8461
AFStatusLower-rightHorizontalFront Focus (-130)
ReleaseMode2 Normal
CreativeStyle Neutral
AFStatusUpper-rightHorizontalOut of Focus
SceneCaptureType Standard
ModifyDate 2013:06:08 16:36:39
AFPointsSelected (all)
SonyDateTime (1) 2013:06:08 12:33:40
Teleconverter None
WhiteBalance Daylight
AFStatusFarLeftHorizontalOut of Focus
SequenceLength 1 shot
DynamicRangeOptimizer Auto
ExposureCompensation (1)0
ColorCompensationFilter 0
SubSecTime 676
FlashExposureComp 0
GPSSpeedRef km/h
ExposureTime 1/400
DynamicRangeOptimizer (2)Auto
ExposureProgram (2) Manual
WhiteBalanceFineTune 0
AFStatusCenterVertical Front Focus (-52)
SequenceFileNumber 1
AFStatusLower-middle Front Focus (-19)
PictureEffect Off
PreviewImageSize 1616x1080
ExposureProgram Manual
GPSLongitudeRef East
Contrast (1) +1
MeteringMode Spot
ReleaseMode2 (3) Normal
IntelligentAuto Off
GPSDOP 1.4171
GPSTimeStamp 10:33:41
SonyExposureTime 1/406
ExifImageHeight 2047
DistortionCorrParamsPresent (1)Yes
GPSTrackRef True North
DynamicRangeOptimizer (1)Standard
SonyFNumber 10.1
AFStatusNearLeft Front Focus (-78)
Quality2 RAW
AFStatusFarRightHorizontalBack Focus (+49)
VignettingCorrParams 0 0 16 48 96 144 207 288 369 496 683 0 0 0 0 0
ISO 100
FocusMode AF-A